Decided to dust off my blog and start writing again. Only 2 more weeks til the kids start school, whew. I can't believe all the stuff they need this year. Only 10 and 13 and they need flashdrives and scientific calculators each, jeeze I didn't need most of these things until college. My 13 year old was actually helping me with my college algebra a little last year. Sigh! when did these kids get so smart, cause they are making me feel dumb! Anyway, polished off me website this past week and started to overhaul it. I added links, sales, and projects. I am hoping to add several lampworking tutorials in the next few weeks too. http://christyldesigns.com
Also, I am working on a new website about my daughter's adhd. http://livingwithadhdchildren.com this is a work in progress so I will be adding more content to it soon. Lastly, I start my last year of my asst degree next month. Busy busy busy. More soon, hugs* ChristyL
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